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  1.                                                  ÄÆ Æöæòäÿ ╬╠╬╠╬╠╬╠╬╠╬╠╧╧╬╠╡
  3.                                    │     I would  like to  start out by
  4.                                    │  thanking  everyone  who responded
  5. ██████─┐▄█████─┐      █████▄─┐     │  for their time and effort.
  6. ██ ┌██ │██▄▄▄▄ │       ▄▄▄██ │     │
  7. ██ │██ │▀▀▀▀██ │      ██▀▀▀┌─┘     │     The survey was meant to really
  8. ██████ │██████ │      ██████─┐     │  just get  a  general idea  of how
  9.  └─────┘ └─────┘       └─────┘     │  people felt and  was not intended
  10.                                    │  to be  some perfect  survey which
  11.  ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄           │  is useful for a research project.
  12.  █▄▄ █ █ █   █ █ █▄█ █ █           │
  13.  ▄▄█ █▄█ █   ▀▄▀ █▄▄ █▄█           │    The  survey  show  some  trends
  14.                      ▄▄█           │  that I think are important.  This
  15.                                    │  was the intent...to  see if there
  16. ß√ ÷ΦδδΦα∞ ≥Γε≤≤ τΦδΣ≥             │  were common trends.  You can read
  17.                                    │  the numbers yourself,  but I will
  18. Naval Surface Warfare Center       │  point  out   the  surprises  that
  19. InformationTransfer Architectures  │  occurred to me.
  20.                                    │
  21.                                    │
  22.                                    │  ▄   More   than    50%   of   all
  25. respondents still use FAT for one  │  ▄  Far more people separate their
  26. reason or another.   A few people  │  system  into   functional  groups
  27. use the  Novell  file  system for  │  than I  would have  predicted.  I
  28. networks and I had not considered  │  have examined a number of systems
  29. that to be different from DOS and  │  and I  would have  concluded that
  30. so those  fell into  the category  │  the majority  of people  just let
  31. of "other".                        │  things   fall    all   over   the
  32.                                    │  place  and  let  the installation
  33.                                    │  programs do whatever  they want.
  34. ▄   I  expected  the  majority of  │
  35. people  to  have  used  OS/2  for  │
  36. less than  1 year  (expecting the  │  ▄   Since I  had never  read much
  37. 2.1 GA release to be  the version  │  about   any   versions   of  OS/2
  38. that pulled  everyone in)  but it  │  prior to  1.3  I did  not include
  39. turned  out  that   2.0  was  the  │  those in the original  survey.  I
  40. starting  point  for  many people  │  was surprised  with the responses
  41. and   most  have been  using OS/2  │  from people who started with 1.0,
  42. for less than 2 years.             │  1.1, and 1.2.
  43.                                    │
  44.                                    │
  47. ▄   The  biggest surprise  of the  │  something  better   comes  along,
  48. survey was with the   question on  │  many people  will  rush to  it if
  49. backups.  I  expected most people  │  they overcome the burn from using
  50. to say that they never do backups  │  Sytos.
  51. because   of   all   the   people  │
  52. that  I  have  helped  with their  │
  53. computers, most never do backups.  │     Following are  the results, so
  54.                                    │  you    can    draw    your    own
  55.    Most people  chose  the answer  │  conclusions, To the right of each
  56. "once in  a  while after  a major  │  question/response  is   a  number
  57. milestone"  but  almost  everyone  │  which indicates the percentage of
  58. stipulated that they  would do it  │  people  who  responded  with that
  59. more  often  if  they  could find  │  particular   response.   In  some
  60. software  that  worked  with  the  │  cases (such  as question  5) more
  61. Floppy-based      tape     backup  │  than  one  response  was accepted
  62. systems.    In  my  opinion, this  │  and the total  percentage adds to
  63. just     verifies     that    the  │  more than 100 percent.
  64. existing software (i.e. Sytos for  │
  65. most people)  does  not  meet the  │
  66. needs of  the  users and  that if  │
  68.    ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  69.    #    Question/response                                                 %
  70.    ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  72.   ┌─┐
  73.   │1│ Do you keep your executables in separate directories
  74.   └─┘  a)  I keep all programs in the \os2 directory ····················  0
  75.        b)  I keep all user executables in a single directory but not \ ··  8
  76.        c)  I group programs based on function ··························· 65
  77.        d)  I drag all programs to the \Desktop directory ················  2
  78.        e)  Other ························································ 28
  79.                                                                          ---
  80.                                                                          104
  81.   ┌─┐
  82.   │2│ Do you keep you data files in separate directories
  83.   └─┘  a)  I keep all data files in the same location as programs ······· 24
  84.        b)  I separate data into read-only and personal data ············· 48
  85.        c)  I let data fall wherever it happens to be created ············  5
  86.        d)  Other ························································ 29
  87.                                                                          ---
  88.                                                                          106
  89.   ┌─┐                                                                    
  90.   │3│ Do you keep your help files in separate directories
  91.   └─┘  a)  I keep all help files in the \os2\help directories ··········  11
  92.        b)  I place all new help files into a single directory which
  93.            is separate from the \os2\help directory ····················  25
  94.        c)  I keep all the help files in the same directory as the
  95.            executables that use them ···································  49
  96.        d)  Other ·······················································  16
  97.                                                                          ---
  98.                                                                          101
  99.   ┌─┐
  100.   │4│ Do you put everything in the root directory
  101.   └─┘  a)  I put everything in the root directory ·······················  1
  102.        b)  I try to structure the placement of data on my system ········ 95
  103.        c)  Other ························································  5
  104.                                                                          ---
  105.                                                                          101
  106.   ┌─┐
  107.   │5│ What file system do you use (More than one responce was accepted).
  108.   └─┘  a)  FAT ·························································· 57
  109.        b)  HPFS ························································· 83
  110.        c)  Other ························································  5
  111.                                                                          ---
  112.                                                                          145
  113.   ┌─┐
  114.   │6│ How long have you been using OS/2
  115.   └─┘  a)  Less than 1 month ············································  4
  116.        b)  Less than 6 months ··········································· 10
  117.        c)  Less than 1 year ············································· 18
  118.        d)  Less than 2 years ············································ 46
  119.        e)  Less than 3 years ············································ 11
  120.        f)  Other ························································ 12
  121.                                                                          ---
  122.                                                                          100
  123.   ┌─┐
  124.   │7│ What version of OS/2 did you start with
  125.   └─┘  a)  Version 1.3 ·················································· 13
  126.        b)  Version 2.0 ·················································· 63
  127.        c)  Version 2.1 ··················································  4
  128.        d)  Version 2.1 December beta ····································  4
  129.        e)  Version 2.1 March beta ·······································  0
  130.        f)  Version 1.0 ··················································  5
  131.        g)  Version 1.1 ··················································  6
  132.        h)  Version 1.2 ··················································  5
  133.                                                                          ---
  134.                                                                           99
  135.   ┌─┐
  136.   │8│ How would you categorize yourself
  137.   └─┘  a)  Professional Programmer ······································ 33
  138.        b)  Non-professional programmer ·································· 45
  139.        c)  Manager ······················································  4
  140.        d)  I use OS/2 just for the heck of it ··························· 13
  141.        e)  Other ························································ 11
  142.                                                                          ---
  143.                                                                          105
  144.    ┌─┐
  145.    │9│ What is your profession
  146.    └─┘  a)  Student/Education ··········································· 49
  147.         b)  Government ··················································  6
  148.         c)  Military ····················································  1
  149.         d)  Other ······················································· 42
  150.                                                                          ---
  151.                                                                           99
  152.   ┌──┐
  153.   │10│ How often do you do backups
  154.   └──┘  a)  Never ·······················································  8
  155.         b)  Once in a while after a major milestone ····················· 35
  156.         c)  Once a year ·················································  0
  157.         d)  Once a month ················································  7
  158.         e)  Once a week ················································· 13
  159.         f)  Once a day ··················································  8
  160.         g)  Other ······················································· 20
  164.   The opinions expressed are those of my own and do not necessarily
  165.   reflect those of the DOD or the Navy ñ  